Skilaboð frá Heimsforseta

Skilaboð frá Heimsforseta

Greetings Kiwanians,
I want to wish each of you a happy 2013! This new year is full of promise and excitement for Kiwanis, as we discover new ways to support Our Children, Their Future in Kiwanis communities around the globe. This summer, our 98th Annual Kiwanis International Convention will be in Vancouver. I hope you’ll be able to join us! Keep reading to find out more about this incredible destination and what you can expect during this year’s convention.
John Deighton is a legend in Vancouver Canada.  With a barrel full of whiskey and a head full of big id eas, he found his way into town and opened a saloon that catered to those who had a thirst to build a diverse, multi-cultural new world.
John Deighton also talked a lot to his patrons, so much so he became known as "Gassy John" and the area surrounding his enterprise became known as Gastown.
Vancouver is a city presently known for a lot more than Gastown. It has natural beauty, and a cool summer climate with attractions like beaches and nearby rain forests. It has a thriving, modern and friendly culture that makes all people who visit feel welcome.
I can’t think of a more fitting place than Vancouver for our convention! After all, the fellowship of Kiwanians plays such an important part of the convention experience. It’s where we meet old friends, make new friends, and no doubt we will talk a lot when we express our views in our Fr iday business session. It's the place to be—to learn a lot and discuss all the latest happenings in Kiwanis.
During closing session, Sarah McLachlan will accept the 2013 World Service Medal for her dedication to music education. The Sarah McLachlan School of Music in Vancouver provides music education to underserved and at-risk youth at no cost. The school is dedicated to helping young people build community and find their voice.
The Midtown Men—the original Jersey Boys, will entertain us; gifted speakers will inspire us; and hundreds of members of Circle K International will walk with us to raise funds for The Eliminate Project.
And like those early patrons who were served by Gassy John at his well-established enterprise, Vancouver will be our chance to shape the future of the world we want to build.
I encourage you to register today and share with us the Kiwanis experience in Vancouver.
And if you can, while you are enjoying a great meal in Gastown, raise your glasses and propose a toast to the legendary Gassy John—that his enterprise will lift our spirits when we leave Vancouver so we can build a world filled with many more diverse and multi-cultural members who have big ideas to serve Our Children, Their Future.


Tom DeJulio
2012-13 Kiwanis International President
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